Thursday, April 8, 2010

Future Quest 2

The T.A.K.S Test

When I took the TAKS Test I felt a little scare but not that much because I already took a TASK Test on 3rd and 4th now on 5th grade. So when I took the Math TAKS test I really felt like I will pass it and on reading too . I ‘m not sure if I will get commend on my TAKS Test. When I was taking the math TAKS test I found some interesting facts and problems. On the reading TAKS Test I was reading a passage that was really good it was about a man with a trumpet playing with his band at a knew restaurant . In the story there was a kid who like hearing jazz music that made him work better. There was another story about this dog that they found on the street or the woods. That they brought home and then there grandma saw the dog and said that he was so cute that she going to tell his son that if could keep the dog .I really don’t remember what the name of the girls dad is .Well he said that they keep the dog . The dog always got near him but he will try to get him away from trying to sit on his lap. On night the dog was sleeping in the hallway but then a fire started near him so, the dog bark as loud as he could then the little girl came out and saw the fire too and screamed. Her dad came and saw the fire and said to her daughter you’re a hero but she said I ‘m not a hero it was the dog. On a sunny day the dog got near his lap but he didn’t did anything to him so he just petted the dog and was proud at the dog because he was a hero. That was the most interesting story that I read. When I was done with my reading TAKS Test I was sleepy of reading the passage because when I read a story it makes me go to sleep. When I was sleeping I was dreaming about a ham bugger which the it was talking and said I’m going to fall down but we reply and said don’t you fall down because you are so yummy . The ham bugger said I’m not yummy I’m nasty like a pig so, he fall down and every one got him and fight for pieces of the ham bugger. Let me tell something else about the Math TAKS test there was a least 2 or 3 that I might have not got. I don’t remember which one was it but then I got because I was remembering about my strategies so that’s how I got it. Well the rest of the questions I got them. Now on the reading TAKS Test it really not sure but I ‘m saying that I pretty w