What I smelled when I had to suffered was died bodies because they were trying to escape but they catch them.
What I ate was a little of rice,fruit,and chicken.
What I felt was getting out of that ugly place.
I watch everyone do work like I did.
In the day I have to do lots of work and they hit me with this whop so I could start working instead of being lazy because they want the crops to be done before it get dark. Then at 5:00 they say it is time to eat and they give us a little of food and I starve every single day. We have to work for 16 hours my legs get so weak that I fall down when they keep hitting me. Ten they say get up before we use the supper weapon so I get up quick and go to my room because it was time to go asleep my bed was so ruff that I couldn't go to sleep well. They wake us early in the morning and my face is with blood with some mark and in my head I was saying that I'm escaping in the night to go see my family and stay with them. It was night I act that I was asleep so everyone was asleep and I went outside quit and I got to the big fence and I clime out of the fence and I made it out of the fence.I saw the street I went to my house and I knock on the door my family is there and we start to live so happy that it was morning the mean persons went to the room and guess what the police got them to jail and everyone lived happy as they wanted.
izzy speech don't laugh:(
14 years ago